Posts tagged “alberta

Out in a surprise snowstorm

I didn’t see the forecast so the snow falling this morning was unexpected. The dogs and I piled into the vehicle and headed out. I wanted to get some last wintry shots – and hoped to find an owl. I haven’t photographed one flying in the snow in a long time.

I found this one out hunting in the sleet. Snow falling off branches startled him a couple of times. He looked at the ground a few times in different places but never dove after something.

I’m sure it was just me but he look a little bit miserable. I look forward to finding him and his mate in nicer weather soon.

The exuberance of chickadees

Chickadees are constant companions in our backyard throughout the winter. These hardy little balls of feather and fluff chitter away as they fly from tree to feeder and back.

Even on the coldest days, they energetically continue their conversations and activities. With winter hinting, somewhat reluctantly, at giving way to spring here in the Foothills, I have taken a few opportunities to photograph these little birds from our second story deck.

Smoky summer sunsets

The rain the past few days has cleared the air west of Calgary. When the wildfire smoke was heavy before that, the colors from the sunlight filtering through the haze were surprising and very unusual. It made sunset an interesting little photographic adventure.

I thought these images looking at the eastern flank of the Rockies near Bragg Creek from the first day of August were stunning.

Blurring the forest

A dragged shutter and a flick of the wrist stretched out the trunks of the trees edging a meadow in Bragg Creek. When the mood strikes, I enjoy playing like this when I’m out shooting – luck and creativity rolling around together. Sometimes I like the result over the natural scene.

Vintage Owl

I’m a fan of vintage vehicles. When this owl landed in front of this old truck, I had a smile watching him flare on to the fence.

An evening hunt

It was just after 9pm when I spied this owl on a fence across the field. He seemed to be trying to get one more vole before dusk and I didn’t have to wait very long for him to fly low over the tall grass. He didn’t dive into the grass on this flight. Wheeling back towards the forest edge, I lost him in the darkness of the trees.

Red in the green

A simple composition from a walk with my pup in the forest west of Bragg Creek.

Cloud spirits

The sky stole the show when I was out looking for photos a month ago. With the clouds low over a rise and the evening sun brightly coloring them, my exposure made the trees fall into dark silhouettes. Silhouettes are one of my favorite landscape elements so I enjoyed composing images of the clouds above them as the shapes appeared and quickly evaporated.

Morning flight…

A great gray owl launches with the sun behind her.

An owl hunting deep in the forest

My pup and I found this great gray owl perched in a small clearing. He was watching us when I noticed him on this fallen tree root. A short stare and he returned to scanning the ground.

At one point a raven flew over the treetops, the owl followed it pass by and then returned to watching the forest floor.

After close to 15 minutes, this spot lost whatever interest it had held and he flew deeper into the forest.

A bright start to a stormy Aurora night

I have been watching the activity on the sun with growing excitement for a few days. Tonight there is a large storm hitting the Earth’s atmosphere with the Northern Lights appearing early. I will head out again in the early morning and see how the Aurora looks then. These photographs were from my neibourhood just after 9pm.

Who’s coming for tea?

We found this beautiful teacup and saucer reimagined as a bird feeder at the Winter in the Woods Festival in Bragg Creek a couple of weeks ago. Desirée loved it at first sight and I quickly got onboard imagining little birds perched along the lip.

As soon as we hung it off the roof above our second floor deck, the chickadees and nuthatches began landing and sifting through the cup for their preferred seeds. We have several of each of these birds that overwinter, It is fun – and a little magical – to watch them flying through trees, perching on branches and chasing each other around.

With a little sunshine these Red-breasted nuthatches looked amazing as it came back and forth to the teacup. Photographing them was great and I was happy with the images I came away with.