Posts tagged “Blood Moon

Eclipse of the super moon

September's super blood moon - © Christopher Martin-0370

Last night was the lunar eclipse where the moon turned a deep red which lasted for more than an hour.  I traveled to south to get to the edge of the clouds which had rolled in over my home in Bragg Creek before sunset.  In Turner Valley I found clear skies and set up as the moon was entering the earth’s shadow.

Super blood moon - © Christopher Martin-0337

I was awestruck, as usual, with this fourth of the tetrad of lunar eclipses which have been spaced six months apart starting in April 2014.

Super blood moon - © Christopher Martin-0413

It was a beautiful transit with the moon’s surface moving through oranges and reds before returning to her brilliant white.  It has been an incredible series of events to witness and I have enjoyed photographing them immensely.  I’m excited about the new beginnings and opportunities they herald.

Super blood moon - © Christopher Martin-0468

A blood moon missed


A sliver of the Blood Moon - © Christopher Martin-3456

This third of four blood moons in the current tetrad of lunar eclipses occurred before dawn on April 4th in southern Alberta.  I walked along the Elbow River to a spot I had scouted the evening before and set up my camera as the Earth’s shadow was about a 1/4 across the moon.  With the magnification of a telephoto lens, I noticed haze that softened the definition on the moon’s surface.  Thin clouds were obscuring the event and I hoped they would pass before the moon was completely in shadow.  I snapped this photograph about a half hour before totality and within a few minutes the clouds thickened and the eclipse was gone.  It was a beautiful morning nonetheless and the clouds foretold the snow that has blanketed the area over the last 24 hours.  I had much better luck with the weather during the last blood moon.  We’ll see what the September one has in store.

Blood Moon Steampunk

Blood Moon Steampunk - © Christopher Martin-4579

(Please click on the image to open a higher resolution version of this photograph)

Eclipses fascinate me and this morning’s lunar eclipse was outstanding.  It was overcast for much of the night so I wasn’t sure how visible the Moon would be as it reached totality.  While it was in the Earth’s umbra, the clouds started to clear and I was able to watch the latter part of the performance.  This image was taken when a cloud passed along the top edge of the Moon while the moon was coming out of the penumbra and the sun was lighting the upper hemisphere.