Posts tagged “Black-capped Chickadees

Enjoying winter with the chickadees

Black-capped Chickadee in sunlight - 2013 © Christopher Martin

After a nice break over Christmas where I was outside playing with my kids and walking along the river, I’m enjoying winter now.  Following one of the cold snaps, the chickadees that visit our backyard seemed happy to be flying around in the -5°C weather after -30°C the day before.  They were flitting back and forth between the feeder and the tree beside our second floor deck which allowed me to practice capturing their launches off of the evergreen branches.

Chickadee flight - 2013 © Christopher Martin
The mid-flight images were not successful in the least (not shown – nothing worthwhile…) but I’m trying different strategies as me and auto focus are not quick enough to track their small bodies in their darting, quick flight movements.  For now, I was happy to spend some time with these little birds in my backyard while the sun drifted in and out of the clouds.

Wings up - 2013 © Christopher Martin

One-eyed Chickadee - 2013 © Christopher Martin

Flight preparation - 2013 © Christopher Martin

Winter residents: Mountain and Black-capped Chickadees

Black-capped Perched - 2013 © Christopher Martin

(click on any image to open a page with a larger version)

A Black-capped Chickadee (Poecile atricapillus) watches one of the bird feeders from a perch in the boughs of one of the evergreens in the backyard.  The Chickadees are particularly curious and when I’m out on the deck photographing they flyby to see what’s going on.  Following the storm, the next day was beautiful and the birds flew in close when I went outside for a little while.  While the lone Grosbeak was aloof, the smaller birds were chattering nearby and landing in the branches a few feet away.

Flitting in the trees - 2013 © Christopher Martin

Here a Mountain Chickadee (Poecile gambeli) flits around in the same tree scavenging for edible bits.  Note the white stripe above the eye that distinguishes them from their Black-capped cousins.

Tricky snacking - 2013 © Christopher Martin

While the little birds are still finding seeds and other things to eat in the forest, winter is at the doorstep so I returned our bird feeders to service a few days before the snow flew.  I wanted to let the resident Nuthatches and Chickadees return to the winter feeding pattern before the weather threw them a winter curveball.  Within a day there were a couple of birds who found the feeders and by the storm we were happy to see much of the congregation flying around the backyard again.